Welcome to the Governors’ section of our school website. The aim of this section is to provide information about the role of Governors and to introduce you to the people who make up our Governing Body.
Our Governing Body is made up of 12 members of the school and wider local community, who bring their skills, expertise and experiences to support the continued development of our school. Being a Governor is a voluntary role and each of our Governors gives their time freely and have the best interests of our school and our children at heart.
The role of Governors is to provide strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance of the school. In doing this, Governors act as a source of support and challenge to the Headteacher and the wider school leadership team.
Autumn Term 2023
The academic year 2023-24 is now well underway. I know that the term has started well for those who have joined our school and that all our children have settled back into the routines of the school day.
I am extremely proud of our school. The SIAMS inspection of February 2023 highlighted many outstanding aspects, two of which are:
‘Pupils and adults flourish because the school community understands and lives out the distinctive Christian vision. The nurture for all pupils, especially the most vulnerable, is of a very high quality.’
‘The ambitious and broad curriculum gives pupils time to discuss and develop their understanding of disadvantage, deprivation and concern for the world around them. The vision inspires and encourages pupils to be ambitious, with many having future aspirations to work in professions that help other people or that make a positive difference to the world.’
I am confident that all our children are well-supported, nurtured and challenged. All our staff are hard, working and passionate. The headteacher and staff are all highly visible and approachable, so if you have any worries or concerns, please speak to a member of staff.
Governors visit the school regularly, meeting teachers and children and occasionally helping on school visits etc. Information about the
governing body, our responsibilities and meetings are available on the school website.
The weekly newsletters keep us all informed about special events and worship themes. I know that parents are well-informed about the exciting, well-planned curriculum provided and that you have regular opportunities to ‘get involved’ with school and home-based learning, including the new homework system.
I believe that all our children have a myriad of opportunities to ‘become the person God intended them to be’ at Clayton-le-Woods. We endeavour to express our Christian values every day and to work towards our vision.
Ollie Woodcock
Chair of Governors
The statutory duties of a governing body are broadly defined as:
- Agreeing school development priorities
- Monitoring and evaluating the performance of the school
- Setting school targets
- Making sure that the curriculum is balanced
- Agreeing school policies
- Agreeing an annual budget detailing planned spending and staffing
- Appointment of Head Teacher and other senior staff
- Preparing an action plan following an OFSTED inspection
- Developing extended services to meet a school’s needs as part of the wider local community
The Full Governing Body meets once each term and we also have two standing committees that also meet termly to consider different aspects of the school in detail; these are the Resources, Staffing & Buildings Committee and the Teaching, Learning & Assessment (Curriculum) Committee. We also have other committees that meet as required to consider issues such as admissions, pupil discipline and staffing matters.
More information about the composition and structure of our Governing Body as well as a full list of committees and members can be found using the menu.
All Governors can be contacted via the school office, but you will also see them around the school at various times, so please feel free to say hello and share your views.