

Church Of England Primary School

Welcome to the Year 4 page

Mrs Worth (Class teacher)

Miss Bolton and Miss Wilcockson (Teaching assistants)

 In Year 4, we have an inspiring and creative curriculum which includes a variety of learning experiences both inside and outside of the classroom for children to achieve their full potential.

Each day, it is important we think about and demonstrate our Christian Values of Truthfulness, Courage, Respect, Friendship, Thankfulness and Forgiveness.  We look at these values daily through our work in PSHE, RE and in our class worships. 

If you have any brief queries regarding your child, please don’t hesitate to send me an email on n.worth@clayton-le-woods.lancs.sch.ukOtherwise, if you wish to discuss any matter in depth please feel free to arrange an appointment with myself. 

Thank you for your support so far and I hope your child enjoys Year 4!

Year 4 Contact


To see coverage of the key skills we will be developing throughout this years' curriculum, please click here to see each term's key skills backpack!


Red Backpack | Clipart, Escuela

Year 4 writing targets

Our Maths No Problem curriculum... 

Important class information

Times Tables

It was announced in 2018 by the Department of Education that a times table online, on screen digital assessment would be introduced to Year 4 which will take place in June 2021. According to the national curriculum, by the end of Year 4, all children should 'be taught to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.' 

You will be taught times tables in class but it is crucial that you practise at home. We have use times table rockstars to support your learning so please use it daily, in school and at home. 

Times Tables Rock Stars!

Image result for rockstar times tables

Here are a few other websites that have games to help learn and practise your times tables:

Hit the Button (Tablet Friendly)


Oxford Owl (Tablet Friendly)

Mission Times Table Challenge


PE is on a Monday afternoon and Friday morning. Children are to come in their PE kits to school.  

Home reading 

Children are taught their reading skills through guided reading and comprehensive skills workshops in school however, home reading is hugely encouraged daily as this is extremely valuable to the children. We have introduced 'Accelerated Reader' as we like to encourage the children to read as much as possible - quizzing needs to be done within 24 hours of finishing a book.


Homework is sent home on a Friday and is expected to be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday. You will always have your spellings to learn (a new spelling rule is taught on a Monday and the spellings become available on spelling shed to practise for two weeks, the year 3/4 spelling list will also always be available to practise) and another piece of work - either Maths, English, Science or Topic.


In music, year 4 created their own school song using phrases from the school website and our Christian values. They they developed their song by playing their ukuleles along side.   


 Year 4 Mathematics targets



Last update: 2023-09-06
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