

Church Of England Primary School

Committees & Responsibilities

The Governing Body has two standing committees that meet termly to effectively support the school in achieving its development and improvement plans. There are also a number of other committees that are convened as required.

This section provides more information about the role and remit of the two standing committees and also provides a full table of membership of all committees.


Code of Conduct

The Governing Body of Clayton-le-Woods CE Primary School has adopted the National Governance Association's Code of Conduct for Governors. A copy of the code of conduct can be viewed here.

Teaching, Learning & Assessment Committee

Often referred to as the Curriculum Committee, the broad purpose of this committee is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s work around delivery of the curriculum and also to consider pupils’ attainment and progress. This means looking at how well children do in tests at the end of Key Stages and how much improvement they make between the Key Stages. We also look at how well the children at our school are doing compared to other children nationally and we also consider how well the school is doing compared to previous years. The committee meets termly.

The role of Governors on the Curriculum committee is to:

  • Ensure that the School Improvement Plan accurately reflects the performance, work and aspirations of the school.
  • Ensure that the school meets its legal obligations as to school policies and that those policies meet legal requirements and are regularly revised to reflect current school practice.
  • Ensure that Pupil Premium is focused on pupils with additional needs and the impact of regular monitoring and evaluation activities on all groups are used to have a positive impact on raising standards.
  • Ensure that target setting procedures are rigorous, targets set are challenging but achievable and take account of school, local and national data.
  • Ensure that self evaluation procedures (SIAMS) in preparation for a Church School inspection is completed and fully reflects accurately the performance, work and aspirations of Clayton-le-Woods CE Primary School.
  • Ensure that information on the website is up to date with current legislation.
  • Ensure that the School Prospectus fulfills legal requirements and gives prospective parents accurate and useful information about the school.
  • Report to the full Governing Body making recommendations as appropriate.

Members of the Curriculum Committee are:
Mrs Ollie Woodcock, Rev Philip Venables, Mrs Sarah Bashora, Miss Alison Morgan, Mrs Kayliegh Howlett, Ms Debbie Blanchard (Chair), Mrs Carla Govier, Mrs Tricia Spedding, Mr Darryl Keane and Rev Paul Davies. Mr Peter Howard also attends as Deputy Headteacher. 



Resources, Staffing & Buildings Committee

Commonly referred to as the Resources Committee, the core functions of this committee are in relation to school finance, staffing and health and safety. The committee is also responsible for ensuring that the school premises are well maintained and that all statutory responsibilities are adhered to. The committee meets termly.

The role of Governors on the Resources committee is to:

  • Recommend a budget for the year to the governing body.
  • Assist the Head Teacher in monitoring the budget at least termly during the course of the year and to report to the governing body.
  • In consultation with the Head Teacher, vire monies up to £15,000 during the course of the year, as necessary.
  • Ensure that the school complies with the financial and legal requirements of the new Schools Financial Value Standard and the council’s contract standing orders to approve contracts and supplies above the value of £30,000.
  • Periodically review the school’s financial systems and practice against the standards set in the LA’s document – financial responsibilities – A guide for School Governors and to make recommendations to the governing body on any changes required.
  • Ensure that the school fund and other voluntary funds are properly audited for presentation to the governing body.
  • Receive and, where appropriate, respond to reports from the any auditors.
  • Keep a register of the pecuniary interests of governors.
  • Carry out the governing body’s responsibilities in relation to the security of school premises and equipment.
  • Carry out the governing body’s responsibilities in relation to health and safety.
  • Report to the full Governing Body making recommendations as appropriate.

Members of the Resources Committee are:
Mr Lyndon Wright (Chair), Mrs Sarah Bashora, Mrs Tricia Spedding, Ms Debbie Blanchard, Rev Paul Davies, Mr Paul Haslam and Mrs Kayliegh Howlett. Mr Peter Howard also attends as Deputy Headteacher, and Mrs Seers attends as requested as Bursar.


Other Committees:

There are four other committees that are convened only as required. They are:

Pupil Discipline

Pupil Admissions

Pay & Appraisal

Staff Attendance, Discipline & Dismissal


Nominated Governors:

Our governors all take the lead for a different element of school life, as follows: 

Mrs A Woodcock    Safeguarding/Prevent/Pupil Voice/SEND/Equalities/Christian Distinctiveness/RE/Wellbeing

Mr L Wright             Reading/Writing

Ms D Blanchard      Wider Curriculum

Mr D Keane             Maths


And are linked to our classes:

EYFS - Rev P Venables

Y1 - Mrs T Spedding

Y2 - Miss A Morgan

Y3 - Rev P Davies

Y4 - Mr D Keane

Y5 - Mr L Wright

Y6 - Mr P Haslam