

Church Of England Primary School

Meet the Reception Team

Miss Eastham (

(Reception Class Teacher, EYFS Lead, History Lead, Wellbeing Lead)

To find out more about our EYFS unit (Pre-School and Reception), please click here

Mrs Deighton (

(Reception Teaching Assistant, EYFS Language Lead)

Miss Sullivan (

 (Reception Teaching Assistant)

Key information

  • Our PE day is Thursday. Please come dressed in your PE kit.
  • Home reading books are changed every Monday. Please make sure your child brings their books to school everyday. 
  • Homework activities are set every Friday through Seesaw. Please complete this by the following Thursday, ready for our homework celebration, evidencing this homework by uploading photos/videos to Seesaw.
  • On Fridays, merit and manners certificates are given out through whole school celebration assembly. The child who receives the merit certificate will take home the Everywhere Bear, along with his special bag and diary. This should be returned to class by the following Thursday (at the very latest).

This Half Term's Newsletter

Our Learning Environment

Below are some photographs of our indoor and outdoor classroom this year. Our environment evolves and changes depending on our learning and the needs of the children but our continuous provision provides children with continuous access to learning materials that they can use to develop their learning and experiences in any way they choose. 


We are very fortunate to have our own classroom, access to the Pre-School classroom, an outdoor classroom, and extensive school grounds including our Welly Wednesday forest area, school field and use of the infant playground. Ash Class and Willow Class work collaboratively, dividing the provision between the two classes, for all children to explore and find their favourite areas within the EYFS Unit.

Our outdoor classroom

In September 2023, we received a donation from our PTFA to buy new resources for our outdoor classroom. We used this money to buy sports equipment so that we can practise a new sport in our balls area each week. (Our balls area is in our infant playground).

Below is a timetable of which sports we will be learning when. We are excited to see our sports skills progressing over the year, demonstrating many characteristics of effective learning such as resilience, perseverance and being willing to have a go to help us develop a love for sportsmanship, games and teamwork.

 Parents can see what we've been learning using their access to Seesaw. Please see Miss Eastham for log in details.

Ten Tech Tools to Assist an Elementary Teacher for a Concert: #7 Seesaw ...



The EYFS unit (Pre-School and Reception) share topics and plan as a team, as all children free-flow and share the two classrooms and outdoor area. Please click on the topics below to see our topic plans for this year.

Our topics are:

Magical Kingdoms

Festivals and Food

Under the Sea

Farming and Growing


Twisted Tales


Whilst our topics are the same, Reception and Pre-School classes focus on different high quality texts and develop planning each year based on children's needs and interests. 


RE is taught once a week in Ash class. We follow up our learning in our class reflection area.

Click here to see our RE themes.


WOW Moments

New WOW moments slips are available from class or can be downloaded below. Please fill in a WOW moment slips and send it into school if your child has achieved something, learnt something or done something they are proud of out of school.

Reception Contact


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