Key Information and Policies
This page contains a list of links to the statutory information available on our website to assist you in finding it easily and quickly.
Key Information
Admission arrangements
Assessment results - phonics and KS2 results
Contact Details
Church School Distinctiveness
Financial Benchmarking
Governors' Information and Duties
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Ofsted Reports
Operation Encompass
Performance tables
PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools
Prevent Strategy
Pupil Premium
Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability Information
School Policies
Please find below our school policies. Please do note, that although every effort is made to keep these policies up to date, it may be that a more current policy is available from the school office, or clerk to the Governing Body.
Additionally the policy on the website may appear dated. This does not necessarily mean it hasn't been reviewed, more that at the review only minor changes, if any, were made. Any requests for additional policies must be placed in writing to the Clerk to the Governors, Bernard Golding. Paper copies may be requested from the school office.
Behaviour Policy - Incorporating Anti-Bullying Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Equality Information and Objectives
Privacy Notice - How we use pupil information (Data Protection)