SCHOOL UNIFORM - please scroll below to access free, recycled uniform.
Items listed in bold type are available from the school’s uniform supplier (click on the Monkhouse logo above) and all bear the school logo.
Boys: Grey/Black trousers
White shirt or white polo shirt
Red sweatshirt
Black shoes
Girls: Grey skirt or pinafore
Grey/Black trousers
White blouse or white polo shirt
Red sweatshirt or red cardigan
Red and white gingham dress for summer use
Black shoes/sandals – not open toed, with a sensible heel
Outdoor wear only
Boys/Girls: optional red reversible fleece jacket
PE Kit
White, round necked T shirt
Black shorts/ black leggings/ black jogging bottoms
Black pumps/ plain dark trainers for outdoor PE
Optional red hoodie for outdoor PE/ Outdoor learning/trip days - available via order form - click here or from school office.
It is acceptable to purchase non-branded school uniform from other retailers.
Hairstyles and Jewellery
Extreme hairstyles are not allowed in school.
Longer hair must be tied back.
No jewellery is allowed to be worn in school. This includes no earrings (and no plastic stud retainers.)
Reading bags are available for purchase from school.
It is important that shoes and all items of clothing should be clearly marked
with your child’s name.
The school’s uniform supplier is:-
Monkhouse Sports and Schoolwear
13 Miller Arcade
Please telephone first to ensure your order is ready 01772 259586.
Recycled free uniform
Thank you to everyone who has donated used uniform so far. We currently have the following items looking for a new home. If you would like any of these items, please email z.burtt@clayton-le-woods.lancs.sch.uk, who will arrange to have the item sent home with your child. Uniform will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Please continue to bring in any used uniform that can be passed on to a new family.